What Are Construction Cost Codes?

Tracking construction expenses with precision.


Cost codes are numbers assigned to various jobs within a construction project. They're meant to help you track construction costs in greater detail.

If you've never seen a cost code before, here are a couple:

  • 02-315 - Excavation
  • 03-350 - Concrete Finishing
  • 08-800 - Glazing

The first two digits of the code indicate the "division," or basic category of construction. For example, concrete work is categorized under the "03" prefix. (Sometimes the code is written without the hyphen, but it still has the same meaning.)

Cost Codes in Estimating

Before bidding occurs on a construction project, estimates are taken to determine the amount of labor, material, and equipment hours necessary to complete the job. In order to keep the various parts of the job organized, resources can be categorized by cost code.

Sample Construction Estimate

When a job is started, the estimate can be imported into your accounting software. If you're using a true job cost accounting package, like A-Systems software, your estimate can be used as a budget. Then, as expenses are entered, they are tied to that specific job and its relevant cost codes. This allows you to accurately compare your actual expenses to budgeted expenses. You can keep track of your progress, estimate cost-to-completion, and see if you're over or under budget in any particular area.

Importing an Estimate to A-Systems Software

Some equipment, like a hammer, is purchased once with no additional costs. Other equipment, like an excavator, costs money each time it's used. To account for the ongoing expense, equipment time is tracked and recorded under the specific job it's used for. This makes it easier to see where equipment costs are greatest.

Cost Codes in Payroll

A standard payroll would use an employee's total hours to calculate their pay. In construction, however, each worker may be involved in several different tasks each week–maybe even several in a day. The different types of work they do must be calculated individually, and that's where cost codes come in.

A construction worker's timesheet can indicate which time code the work was done under. For example, a contractor may finish up a drywall job (cost code: 09-250), and then switch to installing a fence (code: 02-820). If you have an accounting software made for the construction industry, you can specify different pay rates for each cost code. These rates will be automatically applied when time sheets are entered into the system.

After specifying the cost code, pay rate is automatically entered. (A-Systems JobView)

Job Cost Reports

Cost tracking is critical for success in a construction business. Runaway expenses are a big risk. Being able to see where your expenses are out of line can help you protect your profits. This allows you to make necessary changes before problems get totally out of hand.

Cost codes, along with good job costing software, allow you see detailed reports about the status of each job. Costs can be broken down by phase, labor, equipment, materials, job, etc. You get the full picture at every step.

A job cost report from A-Systems JobView.
This report shows where the project is over/under budget.


In large construction projects, many parties can be involved. Having a standard set of cost costs helps ensure everone is on the same page, and that information remains accurate. In 1963, The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) created a standard set of codes, known as MasterFormat®. The original list of codes covered the folling 16 construction divisions:

  • General Requirement
  • Site Construction
  • Concrete
  • Masonry
  • Metals
  • Wood & Plastics
  • Thermal and Moisture Protection
  • Doors and Windows
  • Finishes
  • Specialties
  • Equipment
  • Furnishings
  • Special Construction
  • Conveying Systems
  • Mechanical / Plumbing
  • Electrical

In 2004, in order to keep up with the increasing complexity of construction projects, the original 16 divisions were expanded to 50. Some of the new divisions include Fire Suppression, HVAC, Communications, and Electronic Safety & Security. Mechanical Support and Plumbing were also split into their own divisions.

Other Changes

Another change was the switch from 5 digit codes to 6 digit codes. This allows a new level of detail to be added to existing codes.

(It is important to note that cost codes can be written differently, although the numbers remain the same. Some companies prefer the Division-Code format, as in 04-2200. Others prefer breaking the code out into levels, like so: 04 22 00. The meaning is the same.)

In some cases, even more specificity is required within a cost code. MasterFormat® 2004 allows for the addition of two more digits. The following codes illustrate the difference:

  • 04 22 00 (two levels) - Concrete Unit Masonry
  • 04 22 23 (three levels) - Architectural Concrete Unit Masonry
  • 04 22 23.13 (four levels) - Exposed Aggregate Concrete Unit Masonry.

This 6-digit format, along with the fourth "level" for more specificity, are standard codes. If needed, however, companies can add their own fifth level. This would just be for their own data, and would not be recognized as a standard for other companies. For example, the US Government uses the fifth level to specify which agency is using the code. In this cost code: 31 62 19.00 40, the "40" specifies NASA.

To view the most up-to-date version of MasterFormat®, visit the official CSI Website.

Construction Cost Code List (6-Digit)

Here are some cost code examples. Click the boxes below to see the sub codes.

010000 - General Requirements
011200Price and Payment Procedures
011300Administrative Requirements
011310Project Management & Coordination
011312Project Web Site
011322Survey and Layout Data
011323Photographic Documentation
011400Quality Requirements
011410Regulatory Requirements
011452Testing and Inspecting Services
011500Temporary Facilities & Controls
011510Temporary Utilities
011540Construction Aids
011541Temporary Hoists
011560Temporary Barriers & Enclosures
011570Temporary Controls
011580Project Identification
011700Execution & Closeout Requirements
011710Examination & Preparation
011741Construction Waste Management & Disposal
011800Performance Requirements
011811Sustainable Design Requirements
020000 - Existing Conditions
022220Existing Control Assessment
022240Environmental Assessment
022241Natural Environment Assessment
022260Hazardous Material Assessment
022300Subsurface Investigation
022310Geophysical Investigations
022320Geotechnical Investigations
022400Demolition and Structure Moving
022411Structure Demolition
022430Structure Moving
022500Site Remediation
022510Physical Decontamination
022520Chemical Decontamination
022530Thermal Decontamination
022540Biological Decontamination
022550Remediation Soil Stabilization
022560Site Containment
022561Waste Containment
022580Snow Control
022600Contaminated Site Material Removal
022610Remove & Disposal of Contaminated Soils
022620Hazardous Waste Recovery Processes
022650Underground Storage Tank Removal
022660Landfill Construction & Storage
022700Water Remediation
022710Groundwater Treatment
022720Water Decontamination
030000 - Concrete
033100Concrete Forming & Accessories
033110Concrete Forming
033111Insulating Concrete Forming
033150Concrete Accessories
033200Concrete Reinforcing
033210Reinforcing Steel
033220Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcing
033240Fibrous Reinforcing
033300Cast-In-Place Concrete
033310Structural Concrete
033330Architectural Concrete
033350Concrete Finishing
033351Colored Concrete Finishing
033352Exposed Aggregate Concrete Finishing
033353Stamped Concrete Finishing
033354Tooled Concrete Finishing
033370Specialty Placed Concrete
033380Post-Tensioned Concrete
033390Concrete Curing
033400Precast Concrete
033410Precast Structural Concrete
033450Precast Architectural Concrete
033470Site-Cast Concrete
033480Precast Concrete Specialties
033490Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
033500Cast Decks & Underlayment
033510Cast Roof Decks
033530Concrete Topping
033540Cast Underlayment
033610Cementitious Grouting
033620Non-Shrink Grouting
033630Epoxy Grouting
033640Injection Grouting
033800Concrete Cutting and Boring
040000 - Masonry
044010Maintenance of Masonry
044014Maintenance of Stone Assemblies
044015Maintenance of Refractory Masonry
044051Masonry Mortaring
044052Masonry Grouting
044053Masonry Anchorage & Reinforcing
044054Masonry Accessories
044200Unit Masonry
044210Clay Unit Masonry
044211Brick Masonry
044220Concrete Unit Masonry
044230Glass Unit Masonry
044240Adobe Unit Masonry
044250Unit Masonry Panels
044270Multiple-Wythe Unit Masonry
044280Concrete Form Masonry Units
044400Stone Assemblies
044410Dry-Placed Stone
044420Exterior Stone Cladding
044430Stone Masonry
044470Reconstructed Stone
044500Refractory Masonry
044510Flue Liner Masonry
044570Masonry Fireplaces
044700Manufactured Masonry
044710Manufactured Brick Masonry
044720Cast Stone Masonry
044730Manufactured Stone Masonry
050000 - Metals
055100Structural Metal Framing
055120Structural Steel Framing
055140Structural Aluminum Framing
055200Metal Joists
055210Steel Joist Framing
055300Metal Decking
055310Steel Decking
055330Aluminum Decking
055400Cold-Formed Metal Framing
055410Structural Metal Stud Framing
055420Cold-Formed Metal Joist Framing
055500Metal Fabrications
055510Metal Stairs
055512Metal Fire Escapes
055513Metal Ladders
055520Metal Railings
055560Metal Castings
055580Formed Metal Fabrications
055700Decorative Metal
055710Decorative Metal Stairs
055711Fabricated Metal Spiral Stairs
055730Decorative Metal Railings
055740Decorative Metal Castings
055750Decorative Formed Metal
055760Decorative Forged Metal
060000 - Wood, Plastics and Composites
066010Maintenance of Wood, Plastics, & Composites
066011Rough Carpentry
066050Trade Associations for Wood, Plastics & Composites
066052Wood, Plastic, & Composite Fastenings
066057Wood Treatment
066110Wood Framing
066111Engineered Wood Products
066112Mechanically Graded Lumber
066120Structural Panels
066121Cementitious Reinforced Panels
066122Stressed Skin Panels
066130Heavy Timber
066131Log Construction
066132Pole Construction
066140Treated Wood Foundations
066150Wood Decking
066170Shop-Fabricated Structural Wood
066172Metal-Web Wood Joists
066173Wood I-Joists
066174Rim Boards
066175Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses
066180Glued-Laminated Construction
066181Glued-Laminated Beams
066182Glued-Laminated Columns
066200Finish Carpentry
066221Standard Pattern Wood Trim
066250Prefinished Paneling
066260Board Paneling
066400Architectural Woodwork
066410Architectural Wood Casework
066411Cabinet & Drawer Hardware
066412Wood-Veneer-Faced Architectural Cabinets
066413Plastic-Laminate-Clad Architectural Cabinets
066420Wood Paneling
066430Wood Stairs and Railings
066433Wood Ladders
066440Ornamental Woodwork
066441Wood Grilles
066442Wood Cupolas
066443Wood Mantels
066444Wood Posts and Columns
066460Wood Trim
066480Wood Frames
066481Exterior Wood Door Frames
066482Interior Wood Door Frames
066483Ornamental Wood Frames
066490Wood Screens & Exterior Wood Shutters
066491Wood Screens
066492Exterior Wood Blinds
066493Exterior Wood Shutters
066500Structural Plastics
066510Structural Plastic Shapes & Plates
066511Plastic Lumber
066530Plastic Decking
066600Plastic Fabrications
066610Simulated Stone Fabrications
066611Cultured Marble Fabrications
066612Solid Surfacing Fabrications
066613Quartz Surfacing Fabrications
066630Plastic Railings
066640Plastic Paneling
066650Plastic Simulated Wood Trim
066660Custom Ornamental Simulated Woodwork
066700Structural Composites
066710Structural Composite Shapes & Plates
066720Composite Structural Assemblies
066721Composite Joist Assemblies
066730Composite Decking
066800Composite Fabrications
066810Composite Railings
066820Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
070000 - Thermal and Moisture Protection
077011Maintenance of Dampproofing & Waterproofing
077012Maintenance of Thermal Protection
077014Maintenance of Roofing and Siding Panels
077015Maintenance of Membrane Roofing
077016Maintenance of Flashing and Sheet Metal
077018Maintenance of Fire and Smoke Protection
077019Maintenance of Joint Protection
077100Dampproofing and Waterproofing
077120Build-Up Bituminous Waterproofing
077130Sheet Waterproofing
077150Sheet Metal Waterproofing
077160Cementitious and Reactive Waterproofing
077170Bentonite Waterproofing
077180Traffic Coatings
077200Thermal Protection
077210Thermal Insulation
077211Board Insulation
077212Blanket Insulation
077213Foamed-In-Place Insulation
077214Loose-Fill Insulation
077215Blown-In Insulation
077216Sprayed Insulation
077220Roof & Deck Insulation
077240Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems
077250Weather Barriers
077260Vapor Retarders
077270Air Barriers
077300Steep Slope Roofing
077310Shingles & Shakes
077320Roof Tiles
077330Natural Roof Coverings
077400Roofing & Siding Panels
077410Roof Panels
077411Metal Roof Panels
077412Wood Roof Panels
077413Plastic Roof Panels
077414Composite Roof Panels
077420Wall Panels
077421Metal Wall Panels
077422Wood Wall Panels
077423Plastic Wall Panels
077424Composite Wall Panels
077440Faced Panels
077441Aggregate Coated Panels
077442Porcelain Enameled Faced Panels
077443Tile-Faced Panels
077445Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Panels
077446Mineral-Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Panels
077461Aluminum Siding
077462Steel Siding
077463Wood Siding
077464Hardboard Siding
077465Plywood Siding
077466Plastic Siding
077467Composition Siding
077468Mineral-Fiber Cement Siding
077500Membrane Roofing
077510Built-Up Bituminous Roofing
077520Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
077530Elastomeric Membrane Roofing
077540Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing
077550Protected Membrane Roofing
077560Fluid-Applied Roofing
077570Coated Foamed Roofing
077580Roll Roofing
077600Flashing & Sheet Metal
077610Sheet Metal Roofing
077620Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim
077630Sheet Metal Roofing Specialties
077650Flexible Flashing
077700Roof & Wall Specialties & Accessories
077710Roof Specialties
077711Manufactured Counterflashing Systems
077712Manufactured Copings
077713Manufactured Gravel Stops & Fascias
077714Manufactured Gutters & Downspouts
077716Manufactured Scuppers
077720Roof Accessories
077722Relief Vents
077723Ridge Vents
077724Roof Hatches
077725Smoke Vents
077726Snow Guards
077770Wall Specialties
077800Fire & Smoke Protection
077810Applied Fireproofing
077820Board Fireproofing
077860Smoke Seals
077900Joint Protection
077910Preformed Joint Seals
077920Joint Sealants
077950Expansion Control
080000 - Openings
088015Wood Window Repairs
088016Wood Window Rehabilitation
088017Wood Window Replacement
088018Wood Window Restoration
088019Historic Treatment of Wood Windows
088100Doors and Frames
088110Metal Doors & Frames
088116Metal Screen & Storm Doors & Frames
088117Metal Screen Doors & Frames
088118Metal Storm Doors & Frames
088120Metal Frames
088130Metal Doors
088131Hollow Metal Doors
088137Sliding Metal Doors
088138Bifolding Metal Doors
088140Wood Doors
088141Carved Wood Doors
088142Flush Wood Doors
088143Clad Wood Doors
088144Prefinished Wood Doors
088145Stile & Rail Wood Doors
088146Wood Screen Doors
088147Wood Storm Doors
088148Sliding Wood Doors
088149Bifolding Wood Doors
088150Plastic Doors
088156Plastic Screen Doors
088157Plastic Storm Doors
088158Sliding Plastic Doors
088159Bifolding Plastic Doors
088160Composite Doors
088161Fiberglass Doors
088167Sliding Composite Doors
088168Bifolding Composite Doors
088300Specialty Doors & Frames
088310Access Doors & Panels
088320Sliding Glass Doors
088330Coiling Doors & Grilles
088332Overhead Coiling Doors
088333Overhead Coiling Grilles
088345Security Gates
088350Folding Doors & Grilles
088360Panel Doors
088361Sectional Doors
088362Single-Panel Doors
088400Entrances, Storefronts, & Curtain Walls
088410Entrances & Storefronts
088443Sloped Glazing Assemblies
088450Translucent Wall & Roof Assemblies
088505Replacement Windows
088510Metal Windows
088516Metal Window Screens
088517Metal Storm Windows
088520Wood Windows
088521Metal-Clad Wood Windows
088522Plastic-Clad Wood Windows
088526Wood Window Screens
088527Wood Storm Windows
088530Plastic Windows
088531Vinyl Windows
088536Vinyl Window Screens
088537Vinyl Storm Windows
088540Composite Windows
088541Fiberglass Windows
088546Fiberglass Window Screens
088547Fiberglass Storm Windows
088567Sound Control Windows
088600Roof Windows & Skylights
088610Roof Windows
088620Unit Skylights
088630Metal-Framed Skylights
088640Plastic-Framed Skylights
088670Skylight Protection and Screens
088710Door Hardware
088740Access Control Hardware
088750Window Hardware
088810Glass Glazing
088811Decorative Glass Glazing
088840Plastic Glazing
088841Decorative Plastic Glazing
088850Glazing Accessories
088870Glazing Surface Films
088880Special Function Glazing
088900Louvers & Vents
088912Door Louvers
088951Soffit Vents
088952Wall Vents
090000 - Finishes
099010Maintenance of Finishes
099200Plaster & Gypsum Board
099210Plaster & Gypsum Board Assemblies
099220Supports for Plaster & Gypsum Board
099230Gypsum Plastering
099240Portland Cement Plastering
099250Other Plastering
099260Veneer Plastering
099270Plaster Fabrications
099280Backing Boards & Underlayments
099290Gypsum Board
099301Tile-Setting Materials
099310Thin-Set Tiling
099320Mortar-Bed Tiling
099330Conductive Tiling
099340Waterproofing-Membrane Tiling
099350Chemical-Resistant Tiling
099510Acoustical Ceilings
099530Acoustical Ceiling Suspension
099540Specialty Ceilings
099560Textured Ceilings
099601Sound Control Underlayments
099602Flooring Installation Products
099610Flooring Treatment
099620Specialty Flooring
099630Masonry Flooring
099634Stone Flooring
099640Wood Flooring
099650Resilient Flooring
099651Resilient Base & Accessories
099660Terrazzo Flooring
099661Terrazzo Floor Tile
099670Fluid-Applied Flooring
099700Wall Finishes
099720Wall Coverings
099730Wall Carpeting
099740Flexible Wood Sheets
099741Wood Wall Coverings
099750Stone Facing
099760Plastic Blocks
099770Special Wall Surfacing
099800Acoustic Treatment
099810Acoustic Insulation
099830Acoustic Finishes
099900Painting & Coating
099911Exterior Painting
099912Interior Painting
099930Staining & Transparent Finishing
099931Exterior Staining & Finishing
099932Interior Staining & Finishing
099940Decorative Finishing
099941Faux Finishing
099960High-Performance Coatings
099962Graffiti-Resistant Coatings
099964Fire-Retardant Coatings
099965Epoxy Coatings
099966Aggregate Wall Coatings
099970Special Coatings
100000 - Specialties
100100Information Specialties
100110Visual Display Surfaces
100120Display Cases
100131Electronic Directories
100142Dimensional Letter Signage
100170Telephone Specialties
100200Interior Specialties
100260Wall & Door Protection
100280Toilet, Bath, & Laundry Accessories
100281Toilet Accessories
100282Bath Accessories
100283Residential Bath Accessories
100284Tub & Shower Doors
100285Shower Doors
100286Tub Doors
100287Laundry Accessories
100288Built-In Ironing Boards
100289Clothes Drying Racks
100300Fireplaces & Stoves
100310Manufactured Fireplaces
100320Fireplace Specialties
100351Heating Stoves
100352Cooking Stoves
100400Safety Specialties
100440Fire Protection Specialties
100441Fire Extinguishers
100500Storage Specialties
100550Postal Specialties
100552Mail Boxes
100559Mail Chutes
100560Storage Assemblies
100570Wardrobe & Closet Specialties
100571Hat & Coat Racks
100572Closet & Utility Shelving
100700Exterior Specialties
100710Exterior Protection
100711Exterior Sun Control Devices
100712Exterior Shutters
100713Fixed Sun Screens
100714Storm Panels
100730Protective Covers
100733Car Shelters
100734Walkway Coverings
100740Manufactured Exterior Specialties
100741Exterior Clocks
100746Window Wells
100800Other Specialties
100810Pest Control Devices
100811Bird Control Devices
100812Insect Control Devices
100813Rodent Control Devices
100820Grilles & Screens
100821Exterior Grilles & Screens
100822Interior Grilles & Screens
100830Flags & Banners
110000 - Equipment
111100Vehicle & Pedestrian Equipment
111120Parking Control Equipment
111130Loading Dock Equipment
111800Collection & Disposal Equipment
111820Solid Waste Handling Equipment
120000 - Furnishings
122120Wall Decorations
122170Art Glass
122200Window Treatments
122210Window Blinds
122211Horizontal Louver Blinds
122212Vertical Louver Blinds
122220Curtains & Drapes
122230Interior Shutters
122240Window Shades
122250Window Treatment Operating Hardware
122353Residential Casework
122364Stone Countertops
122366Simulated Stone Countertops
122400Furnishings & Accessories
122420Table Accessories
122430Portable Lamps
122440Bath Furnishings
122450Bedroom Furnishings
122460Furnishing Accessories
122461Ash Receptacles
122463Waste Receptacles
122480Rugs & Mats
122484Floor Mats
122580Residential Furniture
122900Other Furnishings
122920Interior Planters & Artificial Plants
122930Site Furnishings
122934Site Seating & Tables
122935Site Tables
130000 - Special Construction
133010Operation & Maintenance of Special Construction
133011Operation & Maintenance of Swimming Pools
133022Operation & Maintenance of Fountains
133100Specialty Facility Components
133110Swimming Pools
133114Recirculating Gutter Systems
133115Swimming Pool Accessories
133116Swimming Pool Cleaning Equipment
133170Tubs & Pools
133171Hot Tubs
133173Whirlpool Tubs
133190Kennels & Animal Shelters
133200Special Purpose Rooms
133240Special Activity Rooms
133242Steam Baths
133300Special Structures
133310Fabric Structures
133320Space Frames
133340Fabricated Engineered Structures
133341Glazed Structures
133344Swimming Pool Enclosures
133400Integrated Construction
133423Apartment Unit Modules
133424Dormitory Unit Modules
140000 - Conveying Equipment
144010Operation & Maintenance of Conveying Equipment
144011Operation & Maintenance of Dumbwaiters
144210Residential Elevators
144213Electric Traction Residential Elevators
144243Hydraulic Residential Elevators
144420Wheelchair Lifts
144900Other Conveying Equipment
144913Laundry & Linen Chutes
144918Trash Chutes
210000 - Fire Suppression
211010Operation & Maintenance of Fire Suppression
211100Water-Based Fire-Suppression Systems
211120Fire-Suppression Standpipes
211130Fire-Suppression Sprinkler Systems
211200Fire Extinguishing Systems
211210Carbon-Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Systems
211220Clean-Agent Fire-Extinguishing Systems
211230Wet-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Systems
211240Dry-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Systems
211300Fire Pumps
211400Fire-Suppression Water Storage
220000 - Plumbing
222013Operation & Maintenance of Plumbing Equipment
222014Operation & Maintenance of Plumbing Fixtures
222015Operation & Maintenance of Pool & Fountain Plumbing Systems
222051Meters & Gages for Plumbing & Piping
222052General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping
222053Hangers & Supports for Plumbing Piping & Equipment
222054Heat Tracing for Plumbing Piping
222055Vibration & Seismic Controls for Plumbing Piping & Equipment
222056Identification for Plumbing Piping & Equipment
222070Plumbing Insulation
222100Plumbing Piping & Pumps
222300Plumbing Equipment
222310Domestic Water Softeners
222311Residential Domestic Water Softeners
222333Residential, Electric Domestic Water Heaters
222340Fuel-Fired Domestic Water Heaters
222343Residential Gas Domestic Water Heaters
222344Oil-Fired Domestic Water Heaters
222350Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
222400Plumbing Fixtures
222410Residential Plumbing Fixtures
222411Residential Water Closets, Urinals & Bidets
222412Residential Lavatories & Sinks
222413Residential Bathtubs
222414Residential Shower Receptors & Basins
222415Residential Disposers
222416Residential Laundry Trays
222417Residential Faucets, Supplies, & Trim
222500Pool & Fountain Plumbing Systems
222510Swimming Pool Plumbing Systems
222520Fountain Plumbing Systems
230000 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
233010Operation & Maintenance of HVAC Systems
233052Hangers & Supports for HVAC Piping & Equipment
233053Heat Tracing for HVAC Piping
233054Vibration & Seismic Controls for HVAC Piping & Equipment
233070HVAC Insulation
233090Instrumentation & Control for HVAC
233200HVAC Piping & Pumps
233250HVAC Water Treatment
233300HVAC Air Distribution
233310HVAC Ducts & Casings
233330Air Duct Accessories
233332Duct Silencers
233334Flexible Ducts
233335Duct Liners
233340HVAC Fans
233380Ventilation Hoods
233400HVAC Air Cleaning Devices
233410Particulate Air Filtration
233430Electronic Air Cleaners
233500Central Heating Equipment
233510Breechings, Chimneys, & Stacks
233512Gas Vents
233560Solar Energy Heating Equipment
233570Heat Exchangers for HVAC
233600Central Cooling Equipment
233700Central HVAC Equipment
233740Packaged Outdoor HVAC Equipment
233800Decentralized HVAC Equipment
233811Room Air-Conditioners
233820Convection Heating & Cooling Units
233821Fan Coil Units
233822Unit Ventilators
233823Induction Units
233826Finned-Tube Radiation Heaters
233827Unit Heaters
233830Radiant Heating Units
233831Radiant-Heating Electric Cables
233832Radiant-Heating Electric Mats
233833Radiant-Heating Hydronic Piping
233834Radiant-Heating Electric Panels
233835Electric Radiant Heaters
233840Humidity Control Equipment
233843Indoor Pool & Ice-Rink Dehumidification Units
260000 - Electrical
266010Operation & Maintenance of Electrical Systems
266052Grounding & Bonding for Electrical Systems
266090Instrumentation & Control for Electrical Systems
266092Lighting Control Devices
266200Low-Voltage Electrical Transmission
266240Switchboards & Panelboards
266272Wiring Devices
266277Door Chimes
266280Low-Voltage Circuit Protective Devices
266300Facility Electrical Power Generating & Storing
266310Photovoltaic Collectors
266320Packaged Generator Assemblies
266322Wind Energy Equipment
266400Electrical & Cathodic Protection
266410Facility Lightning Protection
266510Interior Lighting
266520Emergency Lighting
266530Exit Signs
266550Special Purpose Lighting
266555Security Lighting
266560Exterior Lighting
266561Lighting Poles & Standards
266562Area Lighting
266563Landscape Lighting
266564Site Lighting
266565Walkway Lighting
266566Flood Lighting
270000 - Communications
277010Operation & Maintenance of Communication Systems
277052Grounding & Bonding for Communication Systems
277053Pathways for Communications Systems
277055Identification for Communications Systems
277100Structured Cabling
277150Communications Horizontal Cabling
277200Data Communications
277210Data Communications Network Equipment
277300Voice Communications
277310Voice Communications Switching & Routing Equipment
277320Voice Communication Telephone Sets, Facsimiles and Modems
277400Audio-Video Communications
277410Audio-Video Systems
277500Distributed Communications & Monitoring Systems
277510Distributed Audio-Video Communications Systems
277511Paging Systems
277512Residential Intercommunications & Program Systems
280000 - Electronic Safety and Security
288010Operation & Maintenance of Electronic Safety & Security
288100Electronic Access Control & Intrusion Detection
288130Access Control
288160Intrusion Detection
288200Electronic Surveillance
288230Video Surveillance
288260Electronic Persona Protection Systems
288300Electronic Detection & Alarm
288310Fire Detection & Alarm
288314Fire Detection Sensors
288315Smoke Detection Sensors
288316Carbon-Monoxide Detection Sensors
288320Radiation Detection & Alarm
288330Fuel-Gas Detection & Alarm
288340Fuel-Oil Detection & Alarm
288350Refrigerant Detection & Alarm
310000 - Earthwork
311051Geosynthetics for Earthworks
311052Geotextiles for Earthwork
311053Geomembranes for Earthwork
311054Geogrids for Earthwork
311100Site Clearing
311200Earth Moving
311230Excavation & Fill
311250Erosion & Sedimentation Controls
311300Earthwork Methods
311310Soil Treatment
311311Rodent Control
311320Soil Stabilization
311330Rock Stabilization
311340Soil Reinforcement
311350Slope Protection
311400Shoring & Underpinning
311430Concrete Raising
311500Excavation Support & Protection
311510Anchor Tiebacks
311530Cribbing & Walers
311560Slurry Walls
311600Special Foundations & Load-Bearing Elements
320000 - Exterior Improvements
322010Operation & Maintenance of Exterior Improvements
322013Operation & Maintenance of Site Improvements
322018Operation & Maintenance of Irrigation
322019Operation & Maintenance of Planting
322100Bases, Ballasts, & Paving
322110Base Courses
322120Flexible Paving
322130Rigid Paving
322131Concrete Paving
322132Decorative Concrete Paving
322137Concrete Paving Joint Sealants
322140Unit Paving
322141Precast Concrete Unit Paving
322142Brick Unit Paving
322143Asphalt Unit Paving
322144Wood Paving
322145Recycled-Rubber Paving
322146Stone Paving
322147Porous Unit Paving
322150Aggregate Surfacing
322160Curbs & Gutters
322161Concrete Curbs & Gutters
322162Asphalt Curbs
322164Stone Curbs
322170Paving Specialties
322171Parking Bumpers
322172Pavement Markings
322173Tactile Warning Surfacing
322180Athletic & Recreational Surfacing
322300Site Improvements
322310Fences & Gates
322311Gate Operators
322312Chain Link Fences & Gates
322313Welded Wire Fences & Gates
322314Decorative Metal Fences & Gates
322315Plastic Fences & Gates
322316Wire Fences & Gates
322317Wood Fences & Gates
322320Retaining Walls
322340Fabricated Bridges
322350Screening Devices
322351Screens & Louvers
322352Sound Barriers
322840Planting Irrigation
322940Planting Accessories
322941Landscape Edging
322942Landscape Timbers
322944Tree Grates
330000 - Utilities
333010Operation & Maintenance of Utilities
333011Operation & Maintenance of Water Utilities
333012Operation & Maintenance of Wells
333013Operation & Maintenance of Sewer Utilities
333100Water Utilities
333110Water Utility Distribution Piping
333120Water Utility Distribution Equipment
333210Water Supply Wells
333300Sanitary Sewerage Utilities
333400Storm Drainage Utilities
333470Ponds & Reservoirs
333500Fuel Distribution Utilities
333510Natural-Gas Distribution
333520Liquid Fuel Distribution
333700Electrical Utilities
333710Electrical Utility Transmission & Distribution
333790Site Grounding
333799Site Lightning Protection
340000 - Transportation
344700Transportation Construction & Equipment
344710Roadway Construction
344711Vehicle Barriers
350000 - Waterway and Marine Construction
400000 - Process Interconnections
410000 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment
420000 - Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment
430000 - Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification and Storage Equipment
440000 - Pollution and Waste Control Equipment
450000 - Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment
460000 - Water and Wastewater Equipment
480000 - Electrical Power Generation