
See also: User Information
 Company Information

When the program icon is selected from the main desktop, the following screen will come into view. This screen allows the user to specify which company to open.

Login by typing in the Company ID of the desired Company or by selecting one from a list of existing companies.

Recent Companies (dropdown list box)

When the down-arrow icon next to the Company ID field is clicked, a list of recently accessed companies will be displayed with the most recently accessed company at the top.

Browse (button)

Click this button to bring the list of companies into view.

Highlight the desired company and press the Select button. For more information about adding or changing a company, see Companies.

Control Folder

This indicates the location of the folder where the Control Files are stored. If this is a standalone installation of the program, this path should be the path where the program files are located on the local drive. If this is a multi-user installation, the Control Path should be a path located on a network drive accessible to all accounting program users on the network. Press the lookup button to locate the Control Files. Press the Folder icon to open Windows Explorer and locate the file.

 After the correct company name has been selected, press the OK button. The following screen will come into view.

Complete the Login process by selecting the User ID and entering a Password.


Enter the password. The password consists of one to ten characters. The password should be assigned with the following concerns in mind.

Passwords should be items which are easy to remember.

Passwords should be at least five characters long.

Ultra-easy passwords such as social security numbers, phone numbers or birth dates should be avoided.

User ID

To Select a user ID, click on the lookup button to bring up a list of users. The following screen will come into view.

Select (button)

This button is used to select an existing User.

Add or Change (button)

For more instructions on the Add and Change buttons, see User Information.

Close (button)

This button closes the program and returns to the main screen.

Help (button)

see How to use Help

If the program detects that the data files are older than the current program revision level, the following message will come into view. This program will convert data to the current format. For more information, see Data File Conversion.