Change Job Parameters for a Bonding Report

The contract price of each job and the amount billed to date may be entered, reviewed and altered through this option. This step is usually unnecessary; however, the billed-to-date figure is updated automatically as A/R Invoices are issued to the owner.

When the Change Job Parameters Button in the Financial Status/ Bonding Reports screen is pressed, the following screen comes into view.

The tabs are for sorting the data by Job ID or by Job Name number.

Change (button)

see Changing Job Parameters

Update Month End Figures (button)

see Updating Budget and Contract Figures

Reset All (button)

see Resetting Job Parameters

Show (check box)

This option allows the Bonding Report to be defined to include any combination of the three options:

Show Active Jobs

Show Inactive Jobs

Show Closed Jobs

Close (button)

This button closes the program and returns to the main screen.

Changing Job Parameters

Choose the job number and press the Change button. The following screen comes into view.

For the first three fields, there is a New Value and a Current Value. The two values will be the same until a new value is entered in. When the OK button is pressed, the New Value becomes the Current value. Next time this screen is opened, the New Value entered last time will be in the Current Value column. This is not reversible once the OK button is pressed.

Bonding Report Values

Current Contract Amount

The current contract amount is displayed to the right of the cursor. Enter the new contract price or leave the amount as displayed.

Billed To Date

The current Billed To Date amount is displayed to the right of the cursor. Enter the new total amount billed-to-date or leave the amount as displayed. This option is used mainly for systems that are not using the Accounts Receivable module. This is the only place in the system (other than Accounts Receivable) that billed-to-date can be entered into the job header. This option should be used to keep bonding information current. This information is also used on the second page of the job cost summary report.

WARNING!! - Although the billed-to-date is usually maintained through Accounts Receivable, the amount may be edited here. If this amount is edited, it will throw the Accounts Receivable billed-to-date out of balance with the sum of the individual billed transaction amounts. If this field is changed prior to printing a bonding report, it should be changed back after printing to maintain the proper balance. If it is not changed back, this amount will be displayed as the prior billed amount in Progress Billing Entry.

Total Budget

The Current Budget (total Current Budget of all budgeted cost codes) is displayed in this field. It may not be edited from this screen.

Cost to Date

The Current Cost to Date (total Cost to Date of all budgeted cost codes) is displayed in this field. It may not be edited from this screen.

Estimated Total Cost

Enter an estimated projected total cost for the project here. If this field is left blank, the system will calculate this figure for the report.

Prior Years Cost

Use this field just once per year to enter the totals for this project. The printed report will subtract these figures in order to calculate the year to-date figures for the report.

Prior Years Profit

Use this field just once per year to enter the totals for this project. The printed report will subtract these figures in order to calculate the year to-date figures for the report.

Prior Years Billings

Use this field just once per year to enter the totals for this project. The printed report will subtract these figures in order to calculate the year to-date figures for the report.


Job is Currently Active (check box)

The activity status is used by the system to determine whether the job information should be printed on some job cost reports or field reports. Check the box to specify active jobs. Leave the check box empty to specify inactive jobs. This is useful if it is desired to maintain a job on a bonding report that is almost finished, but field reports or job cost analysis reports are of little value. If the status of this job is changed in this screen, it will also be changed in the Job Setup General Tab.

Include on Bonding Report (check box)

This option is used by this program to determine whether a job should be included on the bonding report. Check the box to include the job on the report or leave the box unchecked to skip the job during printing.

Update Month End Budgets and Contract Figures (button)

The Update Month-End Budgets button saves the current budget and percent completed for every cost code in a temporary field so the Current % complete and budget may be calculated. This is a snap shot in time of these figures. Press this button at the end of every month so the prior month's bonding report figures will be accurate.

For example: If Month End Budgets were saved at the end of March, a report could be printed at any time in April with March's Budget and Contract figures. To print this report, make sure the Use Prior Month Budget and Contract Figures option is checked.

Press the Update Month End Budgets button and the following screen comes into view.

Proceed (button)

If this button is pressed, the system will replace the Month End Budget and Contract Figures with Current Budget and Contract figures for the selected job.

Cancel (button)

If this button is pressed, the Update Budget and Contract Figures process will be canceled and the previous screen will come into view.

Reset Values (button)

This button will reset the user-defined values for the current job. If the Reset Values button is pressed, the following screen will come into view.

Construction Dates

In this section, construction date information can be entered for the current job. These dates are usually modified using the Job Setup menu option.

Job Completion Status

The Bonding Report is broken down into two sections. The first includes jobs which are completed. The second includes jobs which are still in progress. Usually, the system will determine the completion status on its own. The default category is Evaluated.

Evaluated (radio button)

This is the default category for Job Completion Status. If Evaluated is selected, the system will place the job in either the Completed or Incomplete job category depending upon its calculated percentage of completion.

Completed (radio button)

Jobs which are completed. This option will force this job into the Completed category.

Incomplete (radio button)

Jobs which are still in progress. This option will force this job into the Incomplete category.

Resetting Job Parameters for All Jobs

If the Reset All button is pressed, the following screen will come into view.