Utilities: Insert a Fiscal Period

As new fiscal periods are added to the system, they must be added chronologically. The Fiscal Period Maintenance program is designed to make sure that whenever a period is added, it is appended as the next month in sequence, with an extra month being added each year for year-end transactions.

Occasionally an operator error will result in a period being added incorrecly. This could mean that the month of September was added directly after July, or it could mean that the Year End period was accidentally excluded. If transactions are posted to the newly-entered fiscal period, it is impossible, using the Fiscal Period Maintenance program, to insert the missing period.

This utility allows a period to be inserted between two currently established periods.

NOTE: Usually this utility will not be necessary since the system has been designed to safeguard against skipping periods. It is highly recommended that before using this utility, an authorized A-Systems Support provider is consulted.

The following window will appear:

Insert the new period after (drop list)

Select from the list the period your new period will follow. The program will intelligently fill in the remaining fields with the entries needed to insert a Year End period after the selected period.

If it is not a Year End period that is to be inserted, manually enter the Description, Date Range, Report Label, and P/R Quarter for the new period. Remember to uncheck the Year End Closing Period checkbox.


Press the Proceed button to insert the period. All transactions that have been posted to all subsequent periods will be physically altered to have a Fiscal Period one number higher than their original Fiscal Period. All period totals will be recalculated properly.