Project Manager Job Overview

The Project Manager Job Overview program displays a breakdown of the costs for each Job. The jobs are limited to those jobs assigned to the selected project manager.

When Project Manager Job Overview is selected from the Overview menu, the following screen will come into view.

Enter the name of the Project Manager and Password (the password is set in User Information). Press the OK button. The following screen will come into view. Only the jobs assigned to this project manager will be displayed.

General Information Tab

The General Information tab is selected by default when the Project Manager Job Overview program comes into view. This tab contains the Job ID and Name, the Contract amount, the amount Billed to Date, the Estimate, and the Costs to Date.

The following four buttons appear on all the tabs.

View Job

Press the View Job button and the Active Job Cost Overview screen comes into view. This is the same screen as accessed through Company Overview, except the jobs listed are exclusive to the Project Manager.

Print Summary Reports (button)

Press the Print Summary Reports button and the Job Summary Reports screen comes into view.

Print Bonding Reports

Press the Print Bonding Reports button and the Financial Status /Bonding Reports screen comes into view.

Close (button)

This button closes the program and returns to the main screen.

Cost Summary (tab)

The Cost Summary tab lists the cost for the six individual cost categories (Labor, Materials, Subcontract, Equipment, General and Burden) and shows the total overall cost. Press the Cost Summary tab and the following screen comes into view.

For an explanation of the four buttons at the bottom of the screen (View Job, Print Summary Reports, Print Bonding Reports, and Close), please refer to the General Information tab.

Income Summary Tab

The Income Summary tab lists the original and current contract amounts. The Retained, Received and Remaining amounts for each job are listed. Press the Income Summary tab and the following screen comes into view.

For an explanation of the three buttons at the bottom of the screen: View Job, Print Summary Reports, and Print Bonding Reports, please refer to the General Information Tab.

Income/Cost Summary (tab)

The Income/Cost Summary tab lists the current contract amounts. The costs accrued and the amount billed and received to date may be reviewed. The markup and the cash margin for each job are also listed. Press the Income/Cost Summary tab and the following screen comes into view.

For an explanation of the three buttons at the bottom of the screen: View Job, Print Summary Reports, and Print Bonding Reports, please refer to the General Information tab.

Bonding Summary Tab

All the different categories for this subject exceed one screen. Use the scroll bar to see the desired categories. The next three screens show all the categories. The Bonding Summary tab brings the following screen into view.

An extensive summary of the costs for each job is listed for review along with the Contract Amount. When using the scroll bar, the Job ID field will remain in the screen.

For an explanation of the three buttons at the bottom of the screen: View Job, Print Summary Reports, and Print Bonding Reports, please refer to the General Information tab.

Graph View (tab)

This tab displays a bar chart containing all the same jobs listed on the other tabs. Click the tab and the following will be displayed:

The graph displays a maximum of 10 jobs at a time. To scroll down to see more jobs, click the down arrow to move down one job or the double down arrow to move down one page. The three bars shown for each job represent the Costs to Date (gold), Current Budget (blue) and Projected Cost (either green or red). If the Projected Cost bar at the back is green, this means the Projected Cost is equal to or less than the Current Budget. If the Projeced Cost bar is red, this means the Projected Cost is higher than the Current Budget.

Sharing Graphs With Others

Any graph can be easily shared with others by either copying it to the clipboard, saving it as an image file or immediately printing it to the default printer. Simply right-click on the graph and select the desired option. To include the graph in an email, right click and select Copy, open an email message, right click and select Paste.

Viewing Dollar Amounts

To see the dollar amounts represented by the displayed bars, simply hover the cursor over one of the bars. A tip like this one will be displayed:

The dollar values of the displayed bars are shown.

Viewing Job Details

From the other tabs, the user can drill down to view job detail by highlighting the desired job and clicking the View Job button at the bottom of the tab. From the Graph View tab, the job detail for a desired job can be displayed by simply clicking on the displayed bars for the desired job.

Flatten Graph (Set Budgets at 100%) (checkbox)

Some jobs may have a much larger budget than others. If this is the case, the bars on the graph might be less meaningful. For example, if one job has a budget of $32 Million, and another has a budget of $8,500, the bars for the larger job will appear as normal, but the bars for the smaller job will be so small as to be practically meaningless. To see a more realistic comparison of these jobs check this box. The blue Current Budget bar will now be set at a constant 100%, with the green/red Projected Cost bar representing the Projected Cost as a percentage of the budget and the gold Costs to Date bar representing the Costs as a percentage of the budget.

If the box is checked, the graphs will be changed to look something like this: