Payroll Menu

There are eight main Payroll options available. They are accessed on the Payroll Main Menu

 Payroll Payments
 Payroll Reports
 Payroll Codes
 Unions (Payroll)


This option allows timesheets to be input by Employee ID or by Job.

By Employee
 All timesheets in a whole week may be entered on a single screen for each employee. Multiple cost items affecting jobs, equipment or general ledger accounts may be entered. This is the ideal timesheet input method for companies requiring certified payroll reports. Multiple screens of timesheets may be entered for each employee with totals for all screens. When an employee number is entered, any existing timesheet data will be displayed. Additional timesheet information may be appended. Any existing timesheets may be edited or deleted.

This program also allows entry of ‘one-time’ deductions, other taxable pay, and other non-taxable pay timesheets in a ‘one timecard per screen’ format. This is also the only option where ‘special’ timesheet entries (e.g. bonus, travel pay, reimbursements, employee purchase deductions, etc.) may be entered.

By Job
 Using this option, one timesheet can be entered for all the work done on one job during the day. Time can be entered for every employee who worked this job. Each hour of time entered is assigned to one of the cost codes used on the job.


Hand-written payroll checks are entered through this option. The entry screen accommodates entry of the ‘check header’ data (check number, employee, net amount, taxes & deductions, etc.) and up to twelve lines of cost distribution. On each cost distribution line, essentially the same information that is required during timesheet entry must be entered. Handchecks may be posted along with the timesheets or separately.


Voided payroll checks and timesheets are entered through this option. Void checks, including all accrued expenses, are ‘backed out’ of the system. The entry screen accommodates entry of the ‘check header’ data (check number, employee, net amount, taxes & deductions, etc.) and up to twelve lines of cost distribution. On each cost distribution line, essentially the same information that is required during timesheet entry must be entered. Voided Checks and Timesheets may be posted along with the timesheets or separately.

Payroll Payments

Print Paychecks
 After timesheets have been posted, paychecks may be printed. All unpaid amounts from previous postings will be combined on the paycheck. This allows posting on a weekly or more frequent basis if desired, but still generating checks on some other pay cycle.

When all checks have been printed, the Check Register may be produced. If printing of the check register is postponed, the register data is stored in a file for later printing. If the check register is printed, no data is stored. Any hand-written or voided paychecks that have been posted since the last printing of the check register will be shown along will all checks for the current check run

Print Check Register
If the check register was not printed as a portion of the check writing, it may be printed through this option. This method gives an option of printing monthly or quarterly payroll check registers if desired. Both computer generated checks and handchecks posted through payroll posting will appear on the register.

Reprint Check Stubs
 Even though every paycheck prints with an attached pay stub, and payment history information is available through the Earnings Detail Report feature, there may be times when an employee needs a historical record of previous paycheck stubs. This program will allow the user to print reproductions of check stubs from prior pay periods.

Email Direct Deposit Vouchers
 Direct Deposit Vouchers can be emailed to employees at any time after a payroll has been processed. This menu option allows the user to select a pay period and then view all the direct deposits for that period.

Export Account Reconciliation File
This program allows the user to select one or more Paycheck Runs and generate an Account Reconciliation File to send to the bank.

Payroll Reports

Certification Report
 This option produces payroll certification reports as a by-product of entering timesheets and posting the payroll.
 The Certification Report is produced from the file created when timesheets and hand-written/void checks are posted. Certification Reports may be printed at any time after payroll posting and check run.

Workers Compensation Audit
 The Worker’s Compensation Audit Report assists insurance auditors in verifying that the correct amount of Worker’s Compensation has been paid. For each worker’s compensation craft code, the total regular and overtime hours and earnings for each cost account are listed. A separate report may be produced for each job or for overhead accounts.

Quarter End Reports
 Two reports are produced by this option: State and Federal. The reports produced by this option show end-of-quarter withholding tax information used in preparing the corresponding reports to be sent to state and federal governments

Employee Listings
 Employee listings may be printed as needed. A complete limit option screen is provided to allow specific categories of employee data to be printed. Select from Employee Address, Personal Data, Earnings & Tax Summary,Deduction Summary, and Summary of States and Localities. Any single category or group of categories may be included.

Earnings Detail
 An Employee Earnings Detail report may be called for at any time. This report is very useful when responding to inquiries from state and local agencies regarding an employee’s earnings between a specific range of dates. Earnings and deductions, non-fringe accrual data (accrued FICA, FUTA, SUTA, etc.), or fringe (union) accrual information may be included.

Employment Utilization
 This option prints a report which documents the number of hours worked by female and minority employees by craft code.

Unemployment Reports

W-2 Forms
 W-2 Forms are usually printed during January of the new year, and give summary payroll information for the preceding year for each employee. The accounting system will print on a number of different W-2 forms available from various forms suppliers.

Commissions Report

Deduction Report

Vacation Report

OSHA Reports
 Print OSHA Forms 300 and 301 from injuries and illnessess reported through employee history entries.


This option is used for maintenance of all information pertaining to an employee. Ten tabs are used to maintain the Employee Record field. They are General, Personal, Rates, Deductions/Fringes, Federal, State, Local, Document/User, Dependents and History/Notes.

New employees are added through this option and existing employees may have any or all data fields edited. An employee’s file is referenced by the Employee Number.

Payroll Codes

Workers Compensation Codes
 This program is used to enter Workers Compensation Codes and Descriptions.

Liability Codes
 This program is used to enter General Liability ID Numbers and Descriptions used to assign liabilities.

Certified Payroll Codes
 This program is used to enter Certified Payroll Codes and Descriptions. These codes will be used in Payroll and Job Costing. Certified Payroll Codes are codes associated with a position.

Billing Craft Codes
This program is used to enter Billing Craft Codes and Descriptions. These codes will be used to bill the customer for employee time based on a Billing Craft Rate Table set up per job.

Unions (Payroll)

Print Month End Union Reports
 This program is used to print Month End Union Reports.

Edit/List Unions
 Union information is entered or edited through this menu selection. This file contains union number, craft code, employee number, day of the month, regular and overtime rates and hours worked, fringe benefit numbers, and union contribution amount. This menu selection provides the means in which to delete union records.

Print Fringe Benefit Listing
 This program is used to Print a Fringe Benefit Listing.